
Bachmann Links Census to Japanese Internment

iceweasel6/25/2009 2:14:48 pm PDT

re: #477 eschew_obfuscation

What is your problem with family values? You spit that out as vitriol….

What an extraordinarily odd—and telling— statement on your part.

I said this:
“I make no excuses for the plethora of dem pols with sordid pasts, believe me.
But neither Frank nor Clinton spent the 90’s insisting a blowjob deserved impeachment, or bloviating about family values”

In no way did I malign family values, or even express an opinion on them, much less “spit the phrase out as vitriol”.

How strange that you think that calling out people for being hypocrites, when they publicly castigate others for falling short of ‘family values’, and eagerly engage in privately violating them—somehow makes ME the one who doesn’t respect family values.

Sorry to disappoint your sterotypes and preconceptions. I have a problem with the hypocrisy, not the family values. So do most people.