
Overnight Open Thread

Desert Dog8/14/2009 6:33:03 am PDT

re: #510 filetandrelease

Teens? First grade is full of boys on ritalin. Discusting.

That entire episode of South Park just sliced and diced the entire “give the kids some meds” mentality of our society. I was a wild kid growing up. I fidgeted and was quite active in the classroom. I am positive I would have been one of those drugged up zombies if I was born a little later. My youngest son is the same as I am and one of his teachers actually recommended that a few years ago. I let her have it with both barrels. There is a medical need sometimes for that type of medication. But, more often than not, I would say it is prescribed as an easy way out. It is damaging for a child that does not need it to get it.