
Overnight Open Thread

opnion2/21/2009 6:42:57 am PST

re: #520 n in wi

I have mixed emotions on this,but if we are not going to make a full commitment in Afghanistan, we should consider leaving,or greatly reducing our presence now.
It is going to get more difficult,and Obama doesn’t have the desire or fortitude to see it through.
May be just stay in a position to protect Pak. nukes.
I know leaving is not a solution but it may be the best bad choice we have. Like I said,Obama will not have the fortitude to stay when it get tougher.

Our new President is getting acquainted with reality.
He routinely criticised Bush on Afghanistan during the Campaign, but now like lots of things he ridiculed , he is finding that it is not that easy.
He knows that if he pulls our troops out that Al Queda could reconstitute there & he doesn’t want to hand the Repulicans an issue.
This is not a novel opinion but I think that Obama is over his head.