
'Nirth Certifikit' Kooks Get a Write-Up at Politico

Afrocity3/01/2009 6:08:08 pm PST

re: #522 Naso Tang

I thought you would have more insight. Perhaps you have led a more sheltered life than I.

Do you not have an opinion on why 70+ % of black children are born out of wedlock?

My personal experience is based on being a landlord. 90% of the women, African American, that I come in contact with or rent to or talk to about renting to are single mothers. Some I know well enough to chat with and if I ask why they didn’t get married they look at me like I am a real dumb ass, and sometimes say something I don’t want to repeat this evening.

And all you can say is “huh”.

I can’t speak for all black women and why should you expect me to?
If marriage would solve all the problems of the black race, I think someone brighter than you would have thought about that.

By the way, I am not a single mother. Work, educated all that good stuff. But if you ever really want the answer to your question I suggest you come to Chicago and go to the Englewood neighborhood on the southside and put a walking billboard on with your question. I am sure you will have your answer in record time.