

generalsparky1/28/2010 9:05:20 am PST

re: #509 SanFranciscoZionist

I can actually excuse Reid more easily. He was talking privately about the viability of a candidate. I’m sure a lot of really ugly stuff gets said under those circumstances, let alone ‘light-skinned’.

This is just letting out sophomoric ideas about how it’s so cool to have a black friend who you, you know, just think of as a friend…in a public forum. Stupid and uncalled for. And I guess a reminder that this kind of thing never stops, even after you’re president.

It wasn’t the first time Harry Reid had let his distaste for black folks be known. He also has made remarks about Justice Thomas.

I guess I just don’t understand how we can get past judging people based on skin color if we are doing it even in a supposedly benign way. My children are reared to be color blind and the only racism my oldest has ever encountered was against him which I hope he remembers if he is ever tempted to make racist remarks.