
2012 Democratic National Convention: Day One, Thread Three, Michelle Obama Edition

Big Steve9/05/2012 8:24:15 am PDT

re: #519 Sionainn

Has a budget even been passed for this year for NASA? I can’t find it. I know that Obama has asked for budget cuts in 2013. I’m not sure what people want him to do…first, the government spends too much money and needs to make massive budget cuts, but when cuts are made, the whining begins. What would you suggest?

My issue isn’t cutting the NASA budget when all government is taking a hair cut. I would be accepting of that. My issue is that in 2009, when all programs were getting stimulus money, the President was requiring an underlying cut from NASA. So NASA eliminated most of the work on the Constellation booster rocket program. So NASA and NASA contractors actually started having lay-offs in 2009. I would add that the current administration decided to give the four shuttles away and chose NY city and Los Angeles as homes and purposefully did not chose Clear Lake, Texas the very home of mission control. Of the Challenger/Columbia accidents, 12 out of the 14 astronauts killed lived in Clear Lake or surrounding communities yet the administration did not find the Houston area deserving of retaining one of shuttles.