
One of the Most Disgusting Anti-Choice Articles You'll Ever Read

Birth Control Works3/25/2014 11:26:09 am PDT

re: #50 sagehen

Some doctor in Philadelphia did a study a couple years ago trying to track down abortion rates and abortion fatality rates pre- and post- Roe, using public records.

He found that birth rates were essentially unchanged. The number of death certificates listing abortion as a cause was minimal. But the mortality rate of women of reproductive age, from unspecified “infection” or “hemorrhage” — that’s where he found the abortion deaths. He estimates 30,000 women a year died from unsafe abortions in the 20 years pre-Roe. (not all illegal abortions were unsafe, of course… some fully competent doctors had a secret side practice after hours, under proper clinical conditions. Cider House Rules.)

Yes, I saw a video that said birth rates didn’t change, but maternal death rates decreased. I wasn’t able to track down any hard evidence on that tho.

You have a link?