
Bundy Ranch Terrorists Issue Bomb Threats, Intimidate City Council Meeting, Attempt to Set Fire to Cars

Mattand5/02/2014 7:18:11 pm PDT

re: #47 lawhawk

Nevada authorities better be looking hard at the local law enforcement and whether they’re turning a blind eye to what’s going on in reckless disregard for public safety. These militia thugs are itching for a fight, and while the feds are right to try and defuse the situation, but letting them stick around and begin harassing locals and setting up roadblocks on state and local public roads is illegal and must be addressed quickly.

There’s not going to be an easy answer for the situation, but if the militias go ahead and cause harm or injury to someone, the state and feds will have to deal decisively with them (and with the predictable right wing outrageous outrage).

That’s what’s pissing me off to no end. I imagine trying to leave my house to run to the grocery store, and being prevented by some armed thugs with no official authority.

It’s infuriating. Why this isn’t a bigger deal in the news right now is beyond me.