
Oath Keepers Militia Says They'll Prevent US Marshals From Arresting Kim Davis Again

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)9/10/2015 9:46:34 am PDT

re: #51 Aunty Entity Dragon

Chambelain is the go to guy for rwnj’s who know not one fucking thing about WW2 but have heard that Chamberlain was an “appeaser”.

One idiot congressman was on Hardball a couple years ago pushing the Chamberlain meme and Chris Matthews hammed the fuck out of the guy on what Chamberlain actually did. The congressman had no clue whatsoever.

It’s really getting old. They have no idea what the situation in 1938 Europe was like. None. They just know Churchill rah rah and Chamberlain bad rah rah. History is more complex.