
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

spinoneone4/20/2009 1:52:41 pm PDT

First, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party [Nazi Party] was anything but “right wing.” They opposed: capitalism, private capital, banks, and business. They were for: national ownership of all major businesses [steel, coal, transport, manufacturing, construction, etc], pro-Nazi affiliated unions [control of workers], anti-religion [at the end of the day, all of it except Lutherans, and then only to the extent they controlled the Lutheran church], nationalization of the school system from kindergarten through the university, national health care, and so on and so forth. They were Socialists - they were NOT small government, individual freedom loving right wingers.

Second, they were a one-man/one-party dictatorship.

Finally, elections were free and fair if and only if all candidates were approved by the Nazi party or were members thereof.

These guys would fit in very well with where Obama seems to be going. Could someone explain to me in a coherent fashion, sans vitriol, why “neo-Nazis,” to the extent they still cleave to the old Nazi ideology, are seen as “right wingers?”