
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

Pepper Fox12/12/2009 6:54:37 pm PST

re: #48 Thanos

Actions we should take continued:
6. Conserve where it makes sense, use high energy where it makes clean
7. Support urbanization in all countries: denser population centers keep the planet cleaner
8. Start funded research work on Solar Power Satellites and Ocean Thermal Systems
9. Replace the worst first: no cap and trade instead ‘Doze the dirty and then build (solar, nuclear, wind, hydro, if you can’t do those replace coal with natural gas, each notch up in clean helps a bit.)
10. Just stop it with the ethanol, at best it’s a stop gap for oil shorts, mostly it’s paying heed to last centurie’s watchword of “sustainable”. Sustainable doesn’t help if it’s still putting CO2 in the air.)

A few points I would like to amend to that, make a small wind generator on homes as common as a wind vain (wait do people still have those?) and totally overhaul our pos power grid.