
Creationists Glom Onto Climategate

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/04/2010 11:26:41 am PST

re: #48 karmasherabwangchuk

As the data mounts the cries of the deniers get more and more shrill and their attacks more and more underhanded. Do you really think it was a coincidence that the whole CRU nontroversy - in which deniers illegally hacked data.

who hacked it? I wasn’t aware that identity of the hacker was known.

Well lets see now, the mails were in the hands of denier groups for months in order to cherry pick the posts that throughly.

Who got the posts? Who spent months looking through it franticly for something, anything to make a false kerfluffle about?

And even if it was just a random hack, the hack is still illegal. But that is not really the point and you know it.