
Beatles Music Coming to iTunes at Last?

Rightwingconspirator11/15/2010 6:48:05 pm PST

Living in LA gave me the chance to learn certain things about certain situations. Movies, music, entertainment… And it made me very conservative in this instance. Because of my musician/actor/writer/photographer friends.

When we consider the price we paid back when of old albums, singles, tapes, vinyl… It was all known to be impermanent media. It all wears out. So the natural expectation is we would buy the music more than once. Once for the home, once again for the car maybe. Or use the vinyl to make a tape. All impermanent.

Setting aside piracy, digital means forever. For $.99 a song. We can just migrate from machine to machine now. That has a big impact on revenues. And Artists keep getting screwed. The content creator (musician/writer etc) should do far better than the model we have now.

With apologies to friends and acquaintances that have movies and music unpaid. Sorry dude, it ain’t right.
Pirated music is stolen music. Bootleg movies are stolen property. Pay up your $.99