
Terror Attack in Jerusalem

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/23/2011 11:16:04 am PDT

Of course blame the Jews murdered by this. OF course, no mention of the mortar attacks or the Fogels. OF course, no mention of the realities of the war. It is plainly obvious that the Palestinians, in the wake of Arab unrest wish to show they are relevant and rile up whatever new governments arise in the M.E. It is obvious that this murder and stepped up pace of attack is a callous political calculation.

But that would require looking at the truth.

The one thing that the activists on the far left and the far right have in common is utter intellectual laziness, arrogant ignorance and the false sense that their preaching without substance can substitute for actual knowledge. The main difference is that the right can organize effectively, set goals and act on them, while the left is still too whiny and preachy and disorganized to realize just how castrated and useless they are. It is not about great causes, rather malignant and childish narcissism and a desire for un-earned accolades, a sense of purpose without effort and a sense of importance when there is nothing important about themselves. The difference is in flavor. The left has made being a eunuch into an honor, while the right revels in abusing others. Both are cowardly louts. The left revels in victim hood and the right responds to perceived victim hood by endless bullying. Both are simply spoiled children trying to console their wounded egos that they do not have control. In so doing, they make an even greater mess of things, because neither side ever cared about the facts or the actual causes more than themselves in the first place.

If one really cared about the Palestinians, they would be forced to be held accountable for the decisions they have made in voting and their evil government. They would pay the price for war rather than being the constant recipient of just enough aid that nothing changes while their corrupt leadership lives in mansions. If one really cared about Israel, they would not be expected to suck up attack after attack. No other nation would be required to.