
Video: What It's Like for a Dog in a Kennel on the Roof of a Car on a Freeway

palomino4/17/2012 8:33:09 pm PDT

re: #49 HappyWarrior

Maybe he’s got some autism in him. One of the symptoms is lacking empathy with other people. Note I am not saying that autism= bad, shit as many of you know I have Asperger’s Syndrome myself but there’s just something different about Mitt. And by the way, I think even Nixon had more humanity than Mitt shows. The Checkers speech showed a human side and when you read his memoirs and he talks about how hard it him to lose two brothers from TB. Not defending his paranoia but I see Nixon’s humanity more than I do Romney’s.

Definitely, and I agree fully with the last part. No one ever mistook Nixon for an automaton or a laboratory creation.