
Onion: Reporters Struggling to Maintain Energy Until Election

Eclectic Cyborg7/24/2012 5:08:57 pm PDT

Good grief, is the CBO being run by Republicans now?

CBO: ACA could leave millions uninsured

WASHINGTON — The Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday that the Supreme Court decision on President Obama’s health care overhaul would probably lead to an increase in the number of uninsured and a modest reduction in the cost to the federal government, compared with estimates before the court ruling.

The court said, in effect, that a large expansion of Medicaid envisioned under the 2010 law was a state option, not a requirement.

As a result, the budget office said, it now predicts that six million fewer people will be insured by Medicaid, the federal-state program for low-income people. But half of them, it said, will probably gain private insurance coverage through health insurance exchanges to be established in all states.