
GOP: The Party of "Legitimate Rape"

Kragar9/26/2012 1:01:10 pm PDT

re: #45 Someone Please Beam Me Up!

I’m getting closer to considering the contemporary Catholic Church an “intrinsic evil.”

Bishop Thomas Paprocki: Holy Warrior

Plenty of pucks have hit Paprocki since his arrival in Springfield 18 months ago. He doesn’t shy from strong statements, which has earned him critics who call him divisive, arrogant, inflammatory – and worse.

The final straw for Maryam Moustoufi came last Christmas Eve. During midnight mass, Paprocki ripped airport security personnel for not profiling Arabs and warned that Muslims could impose Islamist values in the United States if they keep moving here until they reach a majority. He also gave a history lesson about a failed invasion of Europe by Muslim soldiers.

“The commander of the defeated Ottoman army, Kara Mustafa Pasha, was executed in Belgrade on Dec. 25, 1683,” Paprocki preached. “Merry Christmas!”

In 2007, Paprocki told a group of judges and lawyers in Michigan that monetary awards to victims of sexual abuse by priests were excessive and that the legal system needed reform.

“Today in North America and elsewhere, the law is being used to undermine the charitable works and the religious freedom of the Church,” Paprocki said four years ago. “This attack is particularly directed against bishops and priests, since the most effective way to scatter the flock is to attack the shepherd. We must also use our religious discernment to recognize that the principal force behind these attacks is none other than the devil.”