
US Officials Refute Right Wing Conspiracy Theories About Benghazi Attack

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸11/03/2012 2:45:15 pm PDT

nothing i think could be a clearer indication that wingnuts are feeling the cold chill than articles like this (from townhall via freeperville)

Six Reasons for Final Weekend Optimism

the very name cries out “whistling in the dark”

(1) Peerless human political encyclopedia Michael Barone believes Mitt Romney will win

(2) Jay Cost, an extremely savvy analyst of polling and election data, believes Romney is “likely to win.”

(3) The Washington Post has updated its Congressional projections, now calling for House Republicans to roughly maintain their current majority margin in the next Congress

(4) WaPo also reports that their national polling indicates at least 13 percent of 2008 Obama voters are defecting to Romney this year. Ace runs some quick-and-dirty, back of the envelope calculations:

(5) Yesterday I reported that Jim Geraghty’s top source (code name: “Middle Cheese”) says internal data shows Romney looking solid in Florida, Virginia and Colorado

(6) Finally, we keep hearing the ‘turnout and enthusiasm’ mantra from the commentariat

shorter townhall:
1. you can read articles stating that romney will win
2. the polls all overcount democrats
3. i refuse to believe that romney will lose. if in doubt, goto 1