
Village Voice: Pamela Geller's War (of Bigotry and Hatred)

The Ghost of a Flea11/29/2012 11:13:29 am PST

Islamists have killed a lot of people I know who are Muslim. In fact, Islamist terror organization overwhelmingly target other Muslims. Pam Gellar does not care. My Sufi and Ahmadi cousins who fled Pakistan to avoid being raped, bombed, and shot are just as much a part of creeping Shariah as the perpetrators. Ever single post and “analysis” by Pam and her bigot buddies blames these victims or vanishes them to achieve their kulturkampf puppet show.

Differentiate between acts performed by Pushtun separatists and Taliban? Why bother! They’re brown people with an evil religion. If a Muslim commits a crime, it’s because of their inherent Muslim-ness, not because they’re individuals or warped by circumstance or fucked up by regional cultural values that pre-dated Islam! It’s not a coincidence that Pam recycles tropes from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: she doesn’t want a rational, human-intelligence approach to caution about Islamism, she wants irrational suspicion and anger.

And it’s working. People who have no fucking idea what Shariah is now only know the definition put forth by Pam and friends; taqiyya used to be an obscure Ismaili Shia concept, but now it’s an integral component in a world conspiracy of secret Muslims. None of this will making fighting actual Islamist terrorism easier, because it’s substituting moral panic for intelligence gathering and turning allies (even tentative, suspect ones) into foes.

And worst of all, it’s exactly what the Islamists want. The Taliban and Al Qaeda are first and foremost attempting to coax and coerce other Muslims into seeing the world their way. The vast majority of their resources, and the vast majority of the atrocities, are directed at Muslim people within countries that are predominantly Muslim.