
Climate Denial Crock of the Week: Arctic Death Spiral Continues

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/08/2013 5:44:15 am PDT

re: #50 A Mom Anon

It probably does, no reason to think it doesn’t. But even then, a lot of vegetables have been bred (or directly GMOed) to be more portable, keep longer, but less nutritious.

That’s part of what annoys me about people moaning about GMO stuff. GMO isn’t the problem. Sure, there’s the possibility of something we GMOed running amuck, but the natural world does just fine on providing that sort of shit anyway. The real problem is that we’re GMOing the wrong attributes, we’re turning food into more of a product and less of a, y’know, ‘eat this so we can live’ thing.