
Video: Fights Break Out at Tampa Town Hall

Randall Gross8/07/2009 12:31:39 pm PDT

re: #522 Wendya

That is not what I’m doing.

Look, I understand for many people, political activism is limited to voting every two years and maybe putting a bumper sticker on their car and writing a modest check to their local rep’s reelection campaign. That’s all well and good when things are running smoothly and the status quo is being maintained. When there is an abrupt shift in governance and people start to fear their very way of life is being threatened, they tend to get scared and angry. When they are told to shut up and furthermore, told they’re anger is unjustified, the resentment builds and it’s going to come out somewhere.

Elderly people who are worried that they’ll be told to just take a pill instead of getting that hip replacement have valid concerns and they shouldn’t be treated as children. Business owners who have been treated like piggy banks for years see a very expensive “change” with this administration are tired of being demonized and called greedy. Parents look at their children and worry that for the first time since the great depression, they will have a lower standard of living. Those concerns are not being addressed, they are being characterized as whining.

I see I can’t dissuade you from constructing a strawman that wasn’t there in my words.