
Some Gaza Residents Blaming Hamas, Quietly

MeatPopsicle1/24/2009 9:04:53 pm PST

re: #506 Dark_Falcon

I think they thought your sig referred to the penis. I know you didn’t mean it that way. Also, please stop downdinging Mandy. Cool out a bit. It is true LGF is a somewhat bitter place right now, but can you blame us? Obama’s antics have put most of us in a foul mood. Cut us some slack.

I’m not so certain about anyone elses, in the slightest, but my penis is warm. About 96.5 degrees or so I’m assuming. It sure ain’t no popsicle. So I doubt that’s the ‘profane’ meaning Spare O’Lake had in mind. I guess I won’t know for sure unless Spare O’Lake decides to take the time to try to clarify just as I did.

Otherwise, Mandy “Manners” (oxymoron) is a terrible person with a vile mouth. Assuming MandyManners is a female, she’s no lady. And getting all hostile and verklempt on eachother over Obama’s antics does nothing but breed hostility and contempt for eachother when unification and strengthening is most needed.

But I get your point and I appreciate your polite way of stating it. I further regret my own impolite jabs earlier at some person(s), without naming names but they know who they are, in the public forum.