
Creationist Hearings Scheduled in Texas

Spar Kling1/18/2009 2:40:56 pm PST

re: #516 el guape

That was a fantastic book. Dostoevsky was quite the psychologist.

Also, check out our +/- score. Someone doesn’t like debate. Heh.

Indeed he was, and indeed they do not. I noticed that you’ve already received 3 down-dings from people who either object to Dostoevsky or to your observation that both our scores are negative. I’m sure the humor is not lost on you!

What surprised me after arguing with leftists who resort to ad hominim attacks when they start losing a debate and run out of things to say, is that I see the same behavior from some people on the right who pride themselves as being logical. So my conclusion brought to mind one of my favorite quotes:

It was only when I lay there on the rotting prison straw that I sensed within myself the fIrst stirrings of good. Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not between states nor between social classes nor between political parties, but right through every human heart, through all human hearts. And that is why I turn back to the years of my imprisonment and say, sometimes to the astonishment of those about me, bless you, prison, for having been a part of my life.

-Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago

You sound like an interesting person!

Kindest regards,
