
Assange Arrest Imminent

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/03/2010 9:15:09 am PST

re: #529 Mark Winter

I thought this was Sweden, country of the most emancipated women on this planet?

Please read above, the link about the general non-prosecution of rape and sexual crimes in Sweden and Scandanavia in general. Your impression is very wrong.

Seriously, would you go out with the guy who “sexually coerced” you the night before and rave about him on twitter, only to delete your twitter postings after you discover that another woman has sex with him, the two woman then decide to go to the police, not to accuse him of rape or sexual coercion, but only to ask whether this was all right what he did?

I’m not going to engage with your speculation based on limited information. I have zero desire to do it. I’m not sure why you do. Can you explain?