
Bin Laden's Hard Drive

kirkspencer5/03/2011 7:35:42 am PDT

re: #491 Petero1818

Yes, and I know when someone in my neighborhood buys up contiguous lots and assembles a parcel 5 times bigger than everyone else in the neighborhood, puts up 15 foot high walls and doesn’t have any visible means of communication in or out of the property, nobody is curious. enough to ask “Who do you think might live there?” I don’t know where you guys live, but in my neck of the woods, when a house sells and a new family moves in, people generally talk to each other about who is moving in.

But if the parcel is about the same size as a lot of others, and many of the other properties have 15 foot high walls, nobody makes a big noise.

And “visible means of communication?” Really? Underground cables and cellphones aren’t possible?

OK, let’s get real here. SOMEONE in the Pakistan government certainly knew. But the locals? Mirror time, folks. For the vast majority of you, at work or college, can you say with certainty that none of the residences within a mile of your business/college are not safe houses? Recall my opening paragraph that the compound’s size is NOT out of line with other compounds in the area. With that noted, do you know which ones ARE out of line — oversized, or having abnormal (too many or too few) connections?

I think it’s pretty much the same sort of thing that let Dahmer (to name one example) be unnoticed for so long.