
Got a Big Hamas Fish

Walter L. Newton1/15/2009 12:46:49 pm PST

re: #477 HoosierHoops

Hi Walter..hope today finds you well…what’s up dude?

I have added something to my philosophy of life. In the past, I always said you could tell a lot about a “mate” by going on vacation for a couple of weeks.

Well, two years ago I took a girlfriend to France with the last of the “good” money I had made as a programmer. Bi the time we got back, well, that was all over.

And now I add getting to know someone when they have had a catastrophic accident, as my “girlfriend” has.

I have found her to be the most nasty, vain, entitled person I have met in a long time. She has no health insurance, yet she treats the hospital staff as if they owe her the world.

In my effort to help out, I have had to pick up on some of her personal finance and business problems. I am finding out all sorts of stuff that I didn’t know. The utility company was ready to turn off her power yesterday because she has not paid her bill in 6 months, and she applied for assistance a few months ago. But I found out she lied to the assistance program 8 ways to Sunday.

She has called the person at the energy assistances program a “fucker,” and talks nice to her physical therapist yet curses at him behind her back.

I find she has passed bad checks all over town. She told me she lost her ID and other things in her purse, yet I found out she had her girlfriend take all the papers and stuff out of the hospital so they wouldn’t find out that she is gainfully employed in a retail store. She has told the energy assistance program and the hospital that she is unemployed.

And this just goes on and on. The stuff I have found out in the last 6 days could fill a file.

This hospital stay has uncovered a “moral compass” which is far from what I can will deal with. This is not the way I view the world. I am financially in the dumps right now, but I don’t think for a minute about cheating someone or some agency just so I can have what I want.

And you may think I am being very judgmental, but I’m sorry. Maybe I’m to much of an idealist when it comes to morals and karma, but this is not the sort of person I want to be close to.

Sorry to dump on you and the other Lizards, but I just got back from the hospital and every day the “shit” gets deeper and deeper.