
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

Walter L. Newton2/21/2009 11:13:04 am PST

re: #521 Edge

Let’s say it is 2012. Let’s say the unemployment rate is at 14% and inflation is starting to spiral out of control. Let’s say the deficit is stuck at 1.2 trillion dollars. Let’s also say that America has begun to retreat from Afghanistan because of serious losses over there and Iraq has begun a civil war since Obama pulled all the troops out.

The election is between Jindal and Obama. Who here would be voting for Obama’s second term because of the school board issue?

Let’s say it is 2009, and because of the great effort of Charles and other conservative bloggers, that Jindal and his ilk are just a memory and we have a real conservative in line for the nomination.

You want to sit on your ass now and play catch up or make some sane decisions while we still have time?