
Overnight Open Thread

Spare O'Lake3/10/2009 4:16:56 am PDT

Good Morning LGF.

And a Happy Purim (the festival of “Lots”) to Jewish lizards everywhere. Ironically, the date of the holiday follows the date chosen by the Persian anti-Semite Haman, who conducted a lottery to choose the date on which the Jews of the city of Shoshan would be rounded up and killed.

Fortunately for the Jews, things didn’t quite work out the way Haman planned, and he ended up being executed on the same gallows he had prepared for the public hanging of the Jewish leader Mordecai.

Of course it didn’t hurt that Queen Esther was a secretly Jewish babe who was related to the Jewish leader Mordecai, and that she was able to convince the King to nix Haman’s plans. A little luck and some schlepp (influence) in the right places never hurts.

And BTW, the Persians of the time were definitely not Islamic, since the events occurred long before Mohammed.