
Creationist Unanimously Elected to Lead SC Republican Party

Cato the Elder5/18/2009 8:39:47 pm PDT

re: #506 Zimriel

I’m pretty sure they started that with Cato because they knew it bothered him. The same stuff happens in boarding school. Nobody took it seriously.

(I mean, except for the ones who actually were gay. It was pretty obvious which ones they were, though. And they weren’t the ones cracking the jokes.)

Not quite sure what you’re saying here, Zim. It was my fault for letting it bother me? Fuck ‘im if he can’t take a joke?

I’m just freaking glad I didn’t go to boarding school, I guess. Being at the mercy of barely teenage predators for months at a time would have done me in.

Having read enough British public-school literature and having seen the Boy Scouts up close and personal, I’d say the only ones who don’t take it seriously are the adults.