
Ahmadinejad Declares Victory in Iran Election

Cato the Elder6/12/2009 7:53:13 pm PDT

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Here’s a music clip of the great Iranian singer Homayoud Shajarian. Just to humanize the Persians a bit.

Youtube Video

Partial lyrics:

morgh’e sahar, naale sar kon
daagh’e ma ra taaze tar kon
z’aah shararbar, een ghafas raa… Read More
barshekan o, zeer o zebar kon
bolbol’e par-baste, ze kaaj’e ghafas daraa
naghme’ye azadi no’e bashar saraa
va’z nafas arseye een khake tudeh ra,
por sharar kon
zolm, zalem
jor-e sayyad.
aasheeyan’am daade bar baad
ey khoda, ey falak, ey tabee-at
shaam’e taareek’e maara, sahar kon…

O morning bird, sadly sing and remind me
Of my pain afresh with a burning sigh
Break this cage and turn it upside down
Wing-tied nightingale, leave the corner of this cage
Compose the song of freedom for mankind
And with a breath, set fire to the battlefield
Of the mass of this earth.
The cruelty of tyrants and the injustice of huntsmen
Have broken my nest to the winds.
O God, O turning globe, O nature
Turn our dark night into dawn…

The song has a certain oppositional character, and it is Shajarian’s most popular cover. If he declines to sing it at a given concert, they nearly riot until he does it as an encore. As in this instance.

That should tell you a little bit about Iranians that you may not have known.

Bless your friends there, Justdanny.