
Arizona Birther Bill is 'Set Aside'

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/29/2010 8:07:15 pm PDT

re: #519 austin_blue

Not to mention the travails of getting to the US border:


Yeah that is repugnant - but just remember Americans, you get cheap fruit and day labor as a result of letting employers exploit these people! The rape and misery are part of the value added.

Earlier today I wrote about Noah’s Flood and the message to take away being that it is possible for humans to corrupt the Earth literally. I was asked - but what about the sins of humans - surely you don’t mean that carbon is a sin like that?

I do not. I tried to explain this earlier.

When I put this in the context of global warming, my intent was to point out that the sin is the exploitation of humans in third world countries and that those sweat shops that we fund dump huge amounts of carbon as part of the value added. When we wage wars or install brutal dictators and theocracies in order to continue burning fossil fuels, part of the value added to that sin, and the suffering we cause is a larger carbon footprint.

But hey, you get to drive your SUV to Wallmart right?

What made the story of Noah so interesting to me was that in it we have sin have a physical manifestation. This is not a concept unique to the Noah story in the bible. What makes the connection today though is that Americans and Westerners rarely calculate the true cost, the true human cost of our consumerism. However, the way that we do it, has a physical manifestation - that will ironically bring floods.