
Herman Cain Harassment Victim's News Conference

Buck11/05/2011 2:42:11 pm PDT

re: #528 Obdicut

a 9% sales tax plus a 9% income tax would (not) equal the amount of tax they pay now.

I added the word not as I am pretty sure you meant that.

The math that I think is eluding you is the rate of income tax is currently on the number AFTER all the deduction enjoyed by the wealthy.

Those earning (before deductions) from $103,000 to $163,000, which constitutes the top 80% to 90% of earners, pay 18.2% But that tax rate is actually calculated on the taxable (after all deductions) total.

Earn $140,000 which constitutes the top 80% to 90% of earners. Deductions bring it down to $110,000 in TAXABLE income. Pay 18% or $20,000

Earn $140,000, pay 9% or $13,000. So you feel like you have reduced your income tax by 7,000. Spend only $80,000 of the $127,000 you were left with, and there you go.

Yes, there will be some misers who spend less. Yes those people will be rewarded. However that will be made up by the wealthy people who pay NO income tax right now, but should.