
Obama Administration Notices Iran's Manhattan Project

jcw462/13/2009 11:15:55 am PST

re: #497 gearhead

Spot on. I have heard several local republicans (incl. me) say essentially the same thing. I don’t agree with him. I didn’t vote for him. But I’m not going to go around like a petulant child saying that he isn’t my president.

OTOH, based on the first 30 days, the ‘10 mid-terms ought to be a little more enjoyable than ‘06.

I can understand your point and I’m not about to go putting bumper stickers on my car saying; “He’s Not MY President” and such. However, I didn’t vote for this dolt, I even voted for a person I distrust but who has proven to actually care about the country thus I feel that


How many others will begin to be uncomfortable about saying the opposite in 6 months. Then is when we’ll have to harden our hearts cause they’ll be pleading that they made a mistake and can’t we forgive them. I say NO.

To the Media: You helped rig the election, you can’t decide now that was a mistake and that you’ll be truthful and ask the hard questions NOW. You got him elected, you’re responsible for his mess. We don’t believe you anymore.

To the RINOs: You never were conservatives and at the first chance you show your true colors. Stick with the party you’re infatuated with don’t lie to others let alone yourself. We don’t believe you anymore

I have my doubts that Steele has the vision, the will and the political power to oust every non-republican republican or counteract the lying media but that’s what has to be done before any campaigning can be effective.