
Tea Partiers Threatening Violence? Where?

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce3/21/2010 2:17:34 pm PDT

re: #524 Thanos

On Monday the keyword for the full gamut of right wing media will be “flawed” with an occasional “unconstitutionally Flawed”

I often wonder who comes up with these scripts. The practice has probably been going on since the dawn of time, but I remember the 2000 election featured everyone and their dog compulsively saying things about G.W. Bush’s GRAVITAS. Now we’re getting things RAMMED DOWN OUR THROAT. There have been numerous other examples in the intervening years.

I want to know who it is that sits around formulating memes day in and day out. I also want to know why vast legions of people repeat the shit, frequently without even knowing what it’s supposed to mean.

Ya know, you humans are damn weird, and as soon as my repair parts arrive from Tralfamadore, I’m gonna be off and up-out this beeotch.