
Crack in the Far Right World

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/21/2010 9:32:11 pm PDT

re: #533 karmic_inquisitor

Well let me assure you they can.

The top one thousandth knows how to set up corporations overseas, do chargebacks and cross licensing to move costs around and have transactions land in the jurisdiction most favorable. They already do it and have been for twenty years. Computers just make it all faster.

Thing is, we are one of the most favorable jurisdictions. So is the Netherlands which is why they get some of that windfall.

The Cayman island schemes are for the plastic surgeons and divorce lawyers who just think that they are rich.

I know all of that. I just mean when talking in the pure abstract, the government could put up a lot more draconian laws about moving currency offshore. We won’t, and we don’t want to, but the fact that we have a stable government and a stable currency is worth a hell of a lot in taxation. Those poor bastards who used Panama for their banks learned that.