
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

allegro7/13/2012 11:31:11 am PDT

re: #529 Killgore Trout

You can claim that Bain is a shitty company and his name is on the tax form but the attacks are weakened by blaming him for decisions he didn’t personally make.

I don’t have to blame him for decisions he didn’t make. I can blame him for plenty that he did. This is just one more in a long and growing file of truly reprehensible things about this man and his absolute refusal to take responsibility for his own actions and words. I blame him for knowingly profiting handsomely from companies and later claiming absolution when those money-making ventures turn out to be politically inconvenient. Regardless of who made the decision, Romney shared in the rewards.