
New From Keith Olbermann: Donald Trump Is Aiding the Enemy

ckkatz2/01/2017 8:02:51 pm PST

re: #466 Stanley Sea

Every single day is a shock event. Or they are just so fucked up?

I have always viewed the first 6 months a new administration as a sort of legislative Blitzkrieg. It is very difficult to stop. Particularly when the ruling party owns both legislative houses. Eventually, party goals are achieved and/or friction takes its course.

However, what is so discomfiting about the current regime is how actively transgressive, destructive, and reactionary it has been. My sense is that these are deliberate tactics. Crude though they are.

To my mind there is much we do not know about the current regime’s final goals. And therefore why it is doing what it is doing.

I suspect that the weakening and destruction of our current organizations and beliefs are one goal. With the replacement by Regime organizations and goals. The purge at the State Dept is one example.

Meanwhile the GOP leadership apparently thinks that they can contain the Regime.

I would guess that a few stumbles are probably viewed as nothing more than acceptable casualties. As are, most likely, the thousands of deaths that these policy changes are likely to cause.

As always, ymmv. I have been wrong before. And will likely be wrong many times in the future. I certainly hope that I am wrong here.