
Obama Suddenly Worried About Freeing Gitmo Terrorists

eschew_obfuscation2/02/2009 1:09:19 pm PST

re: #469 jwb7605

I think “Harry Tuttle” got it fairly close.
McCain was hoisted on his own petard (campaign finance reform), because he was basically “boxed in”, and money (plus the slobbering media) got his opponent elected.

People who did not do research on Obama’s background honestly still do not know what they were voting for. The “Jeremiah Wright” fiasco was a false-flag operation. The part that was ignored, and the important issue, starts with Bill Ayers and includes Saul Alinsky.

The problem with Bill Ayers, though, is that understanding the topic requires some research and some knowledge of history, and what people like Alinsky were actually up to. That sort of thing is no longer taught in college or high school, largely due to the efforts of the mentioned individuals.

I would agree with all of that except your assertion that the Jeremiah Wright issue was a false flag.

I believe it told us volumes about the character of Obama and about the racist, anti-American thought to which Obama has lent his support as he ‘organized communities’. I have no reason to believe those opinions have changed, especially with the gaffes we heard from Michelle during the campaign.

Sure all of that could be purely Machiavellian ‘use’ of his fellow parishioners for political gain, but how would that be any better?