
'My Grandfather Was Not a Monkey!'

HelloDare3/27/2009 4:05:36 pm PDT

re: #523 CapeCoddah

LOL, that was always my argument when a moonbat whined that GWB had tricked us, or stolen 2 elections. I always counter with, If GWB is so stupid, then how has a moronic knuckle dragging baboon, the likes of which you are convinced he is, “trick” the majority of the USA twice in a row? They hate that question.

That’s why they said that Rove was Bush’s brain and made Cheney into such a villain. But of course, Obama was totally responsible for the success of his campaign. Wonder who they’ll pin the blame on for all his screw-ups? Obama is pushing the “inherited deficit” meme but it’s not being received all that well.