
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

joest197311/28/2009 7:40:40 am PST

re: #536 philosophus invidius

I suggest you read the whole article rather than the cherry-picked WSJ quote:


To say that the emails are a “major blow” is obviously not to say that they throw any doubt on the science involved. He means that it is a big problem since people will think that it lends credence to the deniers. And he also suggests that these particular scientists may have said some questionable things, but that that is understandable (even if not excusable) given the pressure from the deniers.

Oh no! A little pressure from the so called deniers? Seems to me that the
real “deniers” are the people that don’t see that something is fishy here with the global warming movement.