
Palin Twitters: The Return of 'Death Panels'

Escaped Hillbilly12/22/2009 6:58:25 pm PST

So, along the general lines we’re discussing, there were several news stories about Maj. Gen. Anthony Cucolo’s policy, written last month and made public recently, about pregnancy in a war zone. I took this one from US News
“…drew criticism from, among others, the National Organization for Women. Pregnancy, the policy said, could result in court-martial for female soldiers as well as the men who get them pregnant, even if the couple were married, ABC reported Tuesday. Pregnant women are redeployed out of combat zones to get medical care and that could leave a unit shorthanded, the general had argued.”
Some legal and military experts said the policy was appropriate but NOW called it “ridiculous.” “How dare any government say we’re going to impose any kind of punishment on women for getting pregnant,” NOW President Terry O’Neill said before Cucolo backed off on the court-martial threat. “This is not the 1800s.”