
Poll: Should Reuters/AP Let Readers Know When Photos Come from Questionable Sources?

Dark_Falcon6/11/2010 8:29:27 pm PDT

re: #517 KDS1

Well, i think he wrote Mein Kampf before he knew the mufty, but im not sure. But he was very much affected by the hatred shown by muslims towards jews, and surely was influenced from many verses in the kuran.

You are correct. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in 1924 while imprisoned for his failed putsch (coup) at Munich’s largest beer hall. The Grand Mufti did not meet Hitler till 1941.

Of note about the failed coup was that its titular leader was former general Erich Ludendorff, former chief of staff of the German army (his actual title was Quartermaster General, but he was Hindenburg’s chief of staff). A book I recently was given by family called The Age of Total Warfare by H.W. Koch shows Hitler together with Ludendorff and the other putsch leaders. Only Hitler and one other man are in civilian attire, and two of the men (including Lundendorff) are wearing the spiked helmet called a pickelhauben.