
Mubarak Statement Expected Soon

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/10/2011 2:56:13 pm PST

re: #507

And in spite of the fact there are many from the south here at LGF, who have proven we are not eveil drooling slack-jawed inbred heathens, you INSIST on continuously referring to us that way, which is a mischaracterization of ME. But you seem FINE with that.

I’m gone for a bit, now.

Cut the crap, I am pretty clear about which southerners I am talking about.

And for the record, if there were ohhh so many enlightened southerners like you claim then why do all of your states have the worst and most pathetic records when it comes to well everything we tend to complain about here at LGF. If there are so many of you sane Southerners, then why does a modern SOUTHERN STRATEGY work?

I am so sick of this sometimes.

All the nonsense. Everyone play nice… Everyone is a damned special snowflake. Everyone has some opinion that matters, no matter how far from teh truth it is.

This is ultimately why America is crumbling. The worst of us are filled with a desperate urgency to tear everything down, and the best of us are shambling weaklings incapable of calling true things true for fear of hurting some snowflakes preciousness.

Well guess what, the South is infested with racist, bible thumping lunatics and one look at electoral patterns and opinion polls proves that handily. If you care so much, get out there and change your states.