
Obama Lifts Ban on Funding for Embryonic Stem Cell Research

yma o hyd3/09/2009 11:08:17 am PDT

re: #475 karmic_inquisitor

If you look at stock prices for biotechs under the Bush administration vs. under the Obama administration, you can see which administration was committed to creating the conditions for innovation in medicines and therapies and which is not.

What socialist economy has produced consistent leadership in biotech?

And if you look at today’s reaction to Obama’s lifting the stem cell ban, you can see that it was never that big of an issue economically for these companies. They had sources for their lines and didn’t need the federal government’s help.

The one thing which puzzles me is why this Federal Funding is suddenly so important, and why, as some doctors in the links brought here are saying ‘we can now make up for eight years of lost research’.
The companies look to have done well in the last eight years - and if scientists felt they were losing valuable research time, why did they not go to other countries with other, less restrictive laws?

I think we should not get bogged down by debates about the morality of stem cell research yes or no - we should ask why, if private companies are doing a fantastic job, there needs to be federal funding?

Is this not something which should disturb all the fiscal conservatives here?