
Absurd Anti-Evolution Lawsuit Denied by Supreme Court

Gus3/23/2009 9:28:06 pm PDT

re: #534 Egregious Philbin

For a good look into Alex Jones, get Jon Ronson’s book “Them”

He travels with the nutters and kooks and lives to tell about it.

The best is traveling with Alex Jones, Alex goes commando and camps out in the woods to go to some sooper seekrit Bohemian Grove thingy. He plans on how to break in and all that. The author just buys casual clothes and walks in.

Hilarity ensues.

Alex Jones is a mega kook, pure nutbar, but, of course, he is always selling some paranoic book or tape to the rubes.

Another thing to look up is “America: Destroyed by Design.” I’m looking at a clip now. He’s ranting about FEMA camps set up as concentration camps. The man is off his rocker.