
Video: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Visits Occupy Wall Street

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/04/2011 7:46:07 pm PDT

re: #535 OhNoZombies!

No. I’m not dehumanizing soldiers. The process of making soldiers is dehumanizing, hence PTSD.

PTSD is not something that all soldiers have as a result of being soldiers, you know. So you’re mistaken there.

I’m saying that if you put a person in a life or death situation, and the person from day 1 at boot camp is taught to kill on instinct, I cannot in good consciousness call them war criminals.

I’m not calling them war criminals. I think you’ve really gotten a distinctly wrong impression of what we’re talking about.

Honestly, you guys seemed to be arguing past eachother.

Nope. His contention is that it is necessary to dehumanize the enemy in order to kill them. Mine is that it is not— that while it may ‘help’, it is not necessary.