
Glenn Beck: Interview With Atheist Tornado Survivor Was a Setup by "Forces of Spiritual Darkness"

kirkspencer5/23/2013 4:59:18 pm PDT

re: #51 Targetpractice

Which means she’s pretty much made it inevitable that she’ll ultimately be fired.

Not necessarily. There are a number of protections working in her behalf that are intended to prevent scapegoats and unpopular position holders from being arbitrarily removed.

To fire her they have to show at least repetitive misfeasance if not malfeasance.

Now they can make it hard on her. They can transfer her to an unpopular (though equal pay/rank) position in Lesser Armpit, (state of choice). But it’s hard to fire someone in the IRS, and the reason it’s hard is because nobody likes the IRS and Congress decided to protect the people who work there from arbitrary retribution.