
Reports: Oklahoma Horribly Botches Execution

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/29/2014 6:14:33 pm PDT

I’ll say it plainly, the man was tortured to death over an agonizing half hour. Trampling with elephants would probably have been more humane and at least a lot faster. This never ending search for “humane” and “painless” execution methods has long since reached the point of absurdity. It is a sinister farce that serves no purpose but to assuage the collective conscience of the state sanctioned killers and deny the real nature of the event by surrounding it with an antiseptic, pseudo-clinical atmosphere. Either abolish the death penalty or bring in the guillotine or a bullet to the back of the head. Ironically, either of those messy and singularly gruesome methods would probably be more humane than what this guy went through.
The guillotine could be equipped with 13 lanyards, one for the sentencing judge and each juror, and rigged so all would be have to be pulled for the blade to fall. If jurors and judges are not willing to stand there and lop off the guy’s head themselves, they shouldn’t vote for the death penalty.