
Update: Wikileaks Carries Out Threat to Release Information That Could "Cause Deaths"

Lidane5/22/2014 8:02:13 pm PDT

Holy shit I’m tired. Two job interviews this morning and a recruiting happy hour event for a company I’d kill to work for. The downside? My body hates me. I’m exhausted. I feel like dead weight. The upside? The interviews went well, but the big win for me was that happy hour event.

I ended up in a conversation with one of the managers that I’d interviewed with last November. I’ve seen her at a bunch of their company events since then because I’ve made it a point to stay on their radar and to keep going to their public mixers. We had a long talk about my previous interview and she got to know me a bit better and more about my experiences. She wants me to email her tomorrow with an updated resume and then she’ll talk to the recruiter I’ve been dealing with to set up another interview. I don’t want to get my hopes up but working for them would be awesome. :D