
Video: Rachel Maddow on the Horrible SCOTUS Decision Allowing Anti-Choice Protesters to Harass Women

Killgore Trout6/26/2014 9:52:50 pm PDT

The Central Paradox of the 21st Century

As employees we may be suffering but as consumers, we live like kings.
It is schizophrenic: as workers we have few rights and less power. As consumers, we live like gods.
Our unheard of affluence as consumers, our precarious existence as workers both stem from the same source: inexorable productivity increases. Every year, as technology advances we can make more goods and services with fewer inputs of labour and capital. It used to take dozens of men to unload a ship. Today one man on a computer and another on a crane are faster than 100 longshoremen could ever be.

Capitalism and technology have in large part solved the problem of supply. We need to solve the problem of demand. The first step is to realize we live in a post scarcity economy, that austerity is not the answer. The second stem is to recognize we need to divorce work from consumption. Otherwise, technological progress will impoverish us rather than enrich us and that would be tragic, ironic, and absurd.